ISA Corner
As a recognition of its year long pursuit for providing its students International Dimension and global exposure in education, Sachdeva Public School, Pitampura has once again bagged the prestigious INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL AWARD for the period 2018-2021. We successfully designed, developed and inculcated an international dimension in the school curriculum through a colourful bonanza of activities.
The ISA team worked tirelessly and designed an Action Plan which included global themes in the curriculum with an intention of enabling the students to understand and appreciate different cultures and facilitating their integration as global citizens. The plan was put into action involving students and teachers of all grades from Kindergarten to Class XII. The students and teachers worked in unison to achieve the objective of giving globally conscious ethos to the school. Successful collaboration with partner schools from different countries like Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, France, Nepal helped our students to share knowledge and views on different global issues through e-mails, PPT exchange, video exchange and British Council’s Project Space. Under the mentorship and guidance of our Principal Ms. Mona Rastogi, with zeal and zest of one and all involved, we accomplished our mission and brought glory to our school by getting the award for the second time in succession.
The Accreditation has opened windows to other countries and cultures, giving teachers and pupils a new outlook of the world. It has prepared one and all with skills of life.
Activity 1 – Cartoon Characters – World of Fantasy (In-House)
The students of nursery wing gained knowledge about the cartoon characters of countries like China, USA, Japan and India. They were shown a Power Point Presentation based upon the cartoons of different countries. Various activities like colouring competition, mask making, fancy dress show and scrap file making enhanced the students’ learning about various cartoon characters from around the world. Our tiny tots participated in each activity with zeal and zest and their enthusiasm was contagious. |

Activity 2 – Flowers- The Earth Laughs in Them (In-House)
The students of classes of I & II acquired knowledge about the national flowers of different countries through this activity. The students were shown a PowerPoint presentation and a flower show was also organized where the children made beautiful flower arrangements displaying the national flowers of different countries like Ukraine, UK, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Italy and India. They visited the school garden and appreciated the beauty of flowers through their drawings. The awareness about the importance of conservation of flora was spread through a rally. A dance drama showing the beauty and importance of flora around the world enhanced the learning of our little ones taking it to international level. |

Activity 3 – Food – A Common Ground and Universal Experience (Collaborative)
The students of classes III to V gained knowledge about the food items of India, Nepal, China, France, Sri Lanka and Afghanistan through this activity. They did research work on recipes of food items from India and other countries. Exchange of recipes with partner schools and preparing dishes in school broadened their knowledge further. Comparative study of food items by solving the worksheets provided exposure to the students about global cuisine. Through a workshop and write ups the students were sensitized about the various food practices being followed to prevent food wastage in India and other countries. Sharing work with the partner schools and collaborating with them throughout the project promoted awareness about cuisines of the different countries. |

Activity 4- Folk Tales Across the World (Collaborative)
The project enabled the students to acquire knowledge about folk tales of India and the partner countries – UK, France, Taiwan, Sri Lanka and Afghanistan. The students researched about culture of these countries with a special emphasis on folk tales and made projects which were displayed in the annual exhibition. The students enacted folk tales of different countries in an Inter House Competition and also watched the PPTs that they received from the partner schools in UK, France, Taiwan, Sri Lanka and Afghanistan getting insight into folk tales and culture of these countries which gave which gave global ethos to their learning. |

Activity 5 – Dance and Music: The Essence of Life (In-House)
The aim of this activity was to enable the learners study about dance forms and music of India, Spain, China and France. They researched books, newspapers, magazines, encyclopedias and internet and were shown videos of performances of the popular dances. Based on their learning, each class prepared a display board in the class. The students were exposed to the culture, dance and music of the chosen countries through workshops and they completed the creatively designed worksheets based on their learning. This was followed by an interhouse dance competition where the students of each house showcased a dance forms of India, Spain, China and France. This activity enabled our students to be well versed with the dance forms different countries from around the world. |

Activity 6 – Disaster Management: Together Towards a Safer World (Collaborative)
The aim of the activity was to help the students understand the concept of disaster management with special emphasis on mitigation strategies adopted to manage disasters in India, Nepal, Japan, China and Sri Lanka. The students collected information about the impacts of disaster and the mitigation strategies practiced across the countries and made scrap files. They actively undertook the role of representatives of different countries and expressed their concern on disaster during the talk show. The work was exchanged with the partner school in Sri Lanka and Nepal which helped the students to understand the importance of disaster management strategies, programmes and actions taken to minimize the effect of disasters. The project sensitized our students about the need to stand together as one to face the challenges of nature together and minimize the damage. |

Activity 7 – E-Commerce: Convergence of Digital and Physical World (In-House)
The student of class XI gained awareness about E- Commerce practices in India, China, UK, US, Italy and Australia. They did the research work and made projects which were displayed in the exhibition. Poster Making and Slogan Writing Competition proved to a great learning experience for the students. The Symposium about emerging modes of E-Commerce created awareness about online shopping giants in the world preparing our students to become future global citizens. |
