Social Initiatives
 It didn't start here. It doesn't end here.
But little drops make the mighty ocean and hundreds of little and big actions we take every day, build a healthy and responsible society.
Man is primarily a member of a social community. He should not only be concerned about himself but also for the welfare and development of the society as a whole. The Feeling of self-contentment that comes after serving the needy is indeed heavenly.
Social service elevates our mind, heart and spirit. It is a spiritual training which makes our lives richer and fuller. It gives us profound spiritual satisfaction and make us really and truly happy. There is no greater contentment than the joy that comes to us through the happiness of others.
We at Sachdeva Public School enthuse the children to pay their utmost strength and service to the society to make their existence meaningful.
A number of activities are organized by the school to bring out these qualities in children.
- Sankalp - becoming responsible citizens by bringing awareness to vote.
- Lend Me your Hand - Working together - Exhibitions, Wall Magazines
- Smile and Pass it On - 'Give all you can - your toys, your books, your love'
- Keeping Safe - Mock drill for fire, earthquake