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Life @ SPS Workshops For Teachers
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Trips and Excursion Celebrations Workshops For Students Workshops For Teachers
Workshops For Teachers 2018-19
In order to become a truly great teacher, one must go beyond the text books and attend workshops to truly master the art of teaching. It is our firm belief that good teachers become great teachers when they continue their learning process throughout their life. Keeping in view, the changing scenario of education, various workshops for teachers are organized from time to time to enhance the teaching learning process.

In order to upgrade the skills and refresh the teachers for better outputs for the students' teachers were encouraged to participate in workshops held by CBSE & other schools. Some workshops were also organized in the school. A brief description of the same is given as under :

Attended by

Click here for Archive Session 2018-19
Click here for Archive Session 2017-18
Click here for Archive Session 2016-17
Click here for Archive Session 2015-16
Click here for Archive Session 2014-15
Click here for Archive Session 2013-14
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